Melbourne Cup Tuesday Lunch 4 November 2014
at the Portlander Bar & Grill from 1:45 p.m.
75 Featherston Street
Our Last Tuesday in October lunch date has morphed into the the First Tuesday of November - 4 November - Melbourne Cup Day - which from our poll results seemed to suit many of us. To those it does not suit we hope you will still have time to rearrange your diary to join us.
Please note the later start time of 1:45 p.m.; and that we will have 3 courses to allow for race viewing into the afternoon. Bring a guest for what will be an enjoyable lunch and afternoon.
Please note the later start time of 1:45 p.m.; and that we will have 3 courses to allow for race viewing into the afternoon. Bring a guest for what will be an enjoyable lunch and afternoon.